E-commerce implementation for Balestra’s website

Balestra will want to implement an e-commerce section on their current website. Maintaining the graphic identity, a flow has been created that takes users from the clothing catalog to the checkout. The tool used is called SnipCart and combines perfectly with the website's native code, is very customisable and avoids making it too heavy.

The flow represented leads from a chosen item from the catalogue to the checkout, passing through the classic rigmarole of an e-commerce that will ask you to enter the data for shipping and payment.

Animated purchasing flow

Purchasing flow

Each meaningful passage is represented by these images. The final site was created by Norma, who opted for the impplementation of Stripe within the existing site, after making substantial changes to the catalogue design. The site can be viewed at balestraroma.com.

Step one of purchasing flow Step two of purchasing flow Step three of purchasing flow